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Monday, November 19, 2018

FRAUD EXPERT: Democrat Efforts to Add Votes AFTER Election Day Potentially Grounds for RICO Investigation!

Senator Marco Rubio led the charge against Democrat Party voter manufacturing and voter fraud in the state of Florida.

Rubio called out Broward County two days after the election after the corrupt Democrat elections officials manufactured over 80,000 new ballots after Election Day.
On Thursday night Marco Rubio reported on the planned out Democrat voter fraud after Election Day.

Democrat leaders in Florida directed staffers and volunteers to share altered election forms to fix improper absentee ballots AFTER THE DEADLINE.

The plan was to have Florida voters fix and submit as many absentee votes as possible in hopes of including them in the vote totals.

The email was sent out to Democrat activists BEFORE Nelson and his party allies filed a series of lawsuits challenging some voting rules that applied during the election, claiming they disenfranchised voters.

A federal judge then ruled in Democrat’s favor to count these votes.



  1. I pray that a lot of people go to prison for trying to destroy our country.

  2. Judge was probably afraid of the backlash if he ruled otherwise. This is pure partisan politics.


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