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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Forecasters warn Thanksgiving could be the coldest on record

Another blast of cold air is expected to bring one of the coldest Thanksgivings on record for some Northeast cities.

A strong area of high pressure from the Arctic Circle will descend southward acrossCanada and into the Northeast, sending temperatures plummeting toward levels more common on New Year's Day, not Thanksgiving Day.

The weather is expected to plunge into the low twenties in Manhattan and could hit the mid teens in the coldest projected Thanksgiving on record since 1996, meteorologists told The New York Post.



  1. Whats the deal? Electric, gas, oil companies need more money? This is not global warming people!

  2. Bring out the wool socks.

  3. 8:06 PM Geo-engineering. They slammed our skies Sunday. Went from blue to all white in a matter of hours and even included a few chem rainbow clouds. disgusting hundreds of chemtrails covering the sun.

  4. Ok cold whoopee!!! Then 50's Sat and Sunday.

    Hey DAN, forecast please?

    "Partly Sunny, highs in the mid 80's!"

    THANKS DAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. 33 Degrees? Oh no, what are we going to do? Heavens to Betsy, it's going to be a disaster. Ahhhhhhhh. It IS that time of year, for God's sake.

    1. Actually on Nov. 6th I was out on the Manokin River catching plenty of fish in 68 degree temps. 33 degrees is actually 25 below average for this time of year. Glad I could help.

  6. Check on your elderly neighbors. Make sure your animals are in doors. Stay warm or call a friend. That's what you do when it gets that cold. Or visit a someone you know in Florida. It was 75 today. Going for a walk on the beach early tomorrow.

  7. Well ..Steamed Oysters..Then Oyster Shooters !!! Bring It On !! ..Cold ?? What's Cold !!?????


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