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Saturday, November 03, 2018


Meet the 24 year old low life who broke into the home of a 73 year old man, threatening him and his wife with a knife but didn’t know the man was a former career marine, hand to hand combat instructor.


  1. The thug is lucky he's alive. The man know restraint too. That's the kinda man you want as police chief or sheriff.

  2. Once a marine, always a marine.

  3. This is a very good story. I would say there are a lot more 73 year old men out there that are very capable of doing the same to a strong young punk. I know several personally here in the Salisbury area. I'm sure each of you know of a few yourself. Add that up around the country and you have many gentlemen that can take care of their families. The one's the punks need to fear though is the ole guy that hasn't the stamina he once had, he will hurt you even faster. Bless them all.

  4. This is a very good story. I would say there are a lot more 73 year old men out there that are very capable of doing the same to a strong young punk. I know several personally here in the Salisbury area. I'm sure each of you know of a few yourself. Add that up around the country and you have many gentlemen that can take care of their families. The one's the punks need to fear though is the ole guy that hasn't the stamina he once had, he will hurt you even faster. Bless them all.

  5. I'm 64, and still remember the day I tried my Dad, retired Army, and wound up being stuffed into the fireplace in 10 seconds or less. I think I was 18 or so...

  6. The democrats will have a GoFundMe page set up FOR THE CRIMINAL within hours.
    As a former Marine (him, not me.), I am shocked he let that boy live.
    My father was a Marine at 16 years old, fighting in the south Pacific islands.
    They didn't believe in, nor were they trained to, let an enemy live.
    Start a fight with a Marine and one of you is going to die.
    I cheer that with gusto!
    He SHOULD have captured him, skinned him alive and hung his body from a tree about 20-30 miles away with a sign around his neck "He broke into the wrong house".
    Burglaries would drop to almost nothing in that area. Guaranteed.
    Keep cheering.


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