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Sunday, November 04, 2018

Donald Trump Jr. Slams CNN's Don Lemon for 'White Men' Comment

Donald Trump Jr. called out CNN’s Don Lemon Wednesday after the anchor declared that right-wing white men are the “biggest terror threat” in America.

“Amazing. I thought this was some sort of joke quote taken out of context but no… it’s just Don Lemon being a moron. Unfortunately this is how so many leftists actually think. Disgusting! Imagine the outrage if you changed ‘white men’ with any other demographic?” Donald Trump Jr. tweeted.

Amazing. I thought this was some sort of joke quote taken out of context but no... it’s just Don Lemon being a moron. Unfortunately this is how so many leftists actually think.


Imagine the outrage if you changed “white men” with any other demographic?



  1. Shining example of how the President, when presented with an opportunity to be a uniter, takes the opportunity to further the divide and fuel the flames of differences between everyone, and widen the divide between Americans.

    This is not how a President should present himself. He isn't The President of the Conservative Citizens of America... he is the President of EVERY American.

    Sorely missed an opportunity to not only be the bigger man, but to show all sides how you bring everyone together with a better message.

  2. 12:50 PM You must be joking. What do you propose his response be with such a vile comment, other than the truth. He spoke the truth and you want him to give us some sugar coated lie?

    Wake up, put down the koolaid.

    He said what I thought. If a white man has said that all black men were terrorists....

  3. 12:50 PM Whats even more of an outrage is how the white man Lemon said it too just sat there with his thumb up his butt and nodded. Did he think it didn't relate to him?

  4. Bull... I think the response from “TRUMP JUNIOR” was appropriate and restrained...

  5. November 2, 2018 at 12:50 PM

    That is such a stupid, asinine statement. It does not deserve any more of a response than that.

    Lemon is gay and has a white boyfriend. I wonder if he considers the one he has sex with as a terrorist. Regardless, he is a disgusting POS gay or not.

  6. 12:50 PM replying to my responses:

    When someone says something that is obviously inflammatory, you don't fan the flames.

    You use the opportunity to show that you are the better person, and that you are leading from the high ground. As President, Trump bears the responsibility and obligation to do so.

    You don't get down into the pit with trash.

    Too bad Trump didn't rise to the occasion. I hope he does next time, but given his track record, I doubt it.

  7. Never been a Lemon fan, but to his credit, the FBI did come out and say white nationalist were an equal threat relative to ISIS. White nationalists are a lot closer to home than most ISIS fighters so......

  8. 12:50 guess you cant fix stupid the President didnt say anything but I think Lemon must be your girlfriend

  9. I agree with The Little Donald, although it doesn't offend this ole school male because the punk tv minion is of no relevance. Just aches for attention, little dumb shit. Makes you want to bitch slap him just looking at him.

  10. 12:50 That was an utterly pathetic statement. The media attacks him on a daily basis but it’s his fault?? Dear God are you just willfully ignorant? The media is dividing us and you my friend are drinking the koolaid they are serving.

  11. S, we have to stop demonizing people, but since to Lemon, white men are no longer people, he demonizes them. Just another liberal racist.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Shining example of how the President, when presented with an opportunity to be a uniter, takes the opportunity to further the divide and fuel the flames of differences between everyone, and widen the divide between Americans.

    This is not how a President should present himself. He isn't The President of the Conservative Citizens of America... he is the President of EVERY American.

    Sorely missed an opportunity to not only be the bigger man, but to show all sides how you bring everyone together with a better message.

    November 2, 2018 at 12:50 PM

    Said the Butthurt Douche Bag Socialist. I notice you aren't commenting against all the hatred being spewed by your boi Obami. He is bashing Obama and "Conservatives" every chance he gets so go F*** yourself!

  13. Interesting that black Republican Tony Campbell running for the U.S. Senate against Democrat Ben Cardin was at the Republican Lincoln Day Dinner as a low level "guest speaker" before Congressmen Harris at SU last Saturday.

    During his boring speech, he stops what he was saying and said something like "I will get back to that." White People, White People!" "What the Hell are you doing playing Dixie?" He went on and on about the little ragtag band that blade period music and ended with the song "Dixie." The entire crowd, except Wannabe Somebody Campbell", was standing up and clapping.

    Calling us White People was very offensive and proved Tony Campbell isn't fit to serve in Office. I didn't own slaves so don't accuse me of being a White Supremacist because I love my southern roots and Dixie. We are in Dixie and Tony was a guest in our house, not his.

    What a liberal piece of crap Tony Campbell turned out to be. Well, guess what? I voted yesterday and I left the U.S. Senate blank. Might as well keep Ben Cardin in there instead of another Damn RINO!

  14. Don't you know that only white people are racists?

  15. Don Lemon appears to be bi-racial. He is just mad he is not all white. He only uses his bi-racial / black status when he can use it as a "look at me moment".

  16. Kim has put on a good 25lbs since she started dating Donald junior.

  17. The fact that he wasn't fired is proof the media is promoting racial divide for political gain.

  18. I'm not a fan of Don Lemon but he speaks the truth. From Killers of American Indians to Slave Owners to Slave Breeders to Mass Killing of Negroes to Lynching to Mass Explosions to Mass Killing in churches, synagogues, night clubs, music's festivals, schools and even a yoga shop to Mass Killing of people such as a BTK type of white men and women who killed women, men and children. This country has a violent and I mean a violent history of killing their own from the first day the settlers came to this country. Europe did not send the tired, the humble masters yearning to be free. Europe sent Criminals.

  19. I wonder how Don's boyfriend feels BEING WHITE.?

  20. Anonymous said...
    Interesting that black Republican Tony Campbell running for the U.S. Senate against Democrat Ben Cardin was at the Republican Lincoln Day Dinner as a low level "guest speaker" before Congressmen Harris at SU last Saturday.

    During his boring speech, he stops what he was saying and said something like "I will get back to that." White People, White People!" "What the Hell are you doing playing Dixie?" He went on and on about the little ragtag band that blade period music and ended with the song "Dixie." The entire crowd, except Wannabe Somebody Campbell", was standing up and clapping.

    Calling us White People was very offensive and proved Tony Campbell isn't fit to serve in Office. I didn't own slaves so don't accuse me of being a White Supremacist because I love my southern roots and Dixie. We are in Dixie and Tony was a guest in our house, not his.

    What a liberal piece of crap Tony Campbell turned out to be. Well, guess what? I voted yesterday and I left the U.S. Senate blank. Might as well keep Ben Cardin in there instead of another Damn RINO!

    November 2, 2018 at 4:22 PM

    I was there as well and I went to Tony Campbell and reminded him that he was in our neck of the woods and that I don't vote for racial liberals.

  21. Well 9:41 given your logic you should just be labeled by whatever someone of your race does in the past or present. You are no longer an individual and should be STEREOTYPED, RIGHT? Is that what you are trying to say? That sounds a bit racist to me. I guess ignorant people like you are the reason the hate continues.

    1. Another mass shooting in California. If this was another race, the killers face would be on the news. The is the act of another white male this time a mental health marine. Do your research.


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