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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Democrats’ Redistricting Effort Touts Wins Where Steyer and Soros Invested

The National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC), an effort spearheaded by former Obama-era Attorney General Eric Holder, is claiming victory in several states targeted for a barrage of outside spending by a 527 group led by billionaire activists George Soros and Tom Steyer.

The NDRC believes one of the reasons Republicans have enjoyed a lengthy majority in the House of Representatives is because of gerrymandered house districts. Because state legislative bodies usually draw house districts, the NRDC was trying to elevate some of these elections by putting a national veneer on races that usually come down strictly to local politics.

Drawing new house districts will begin again after the completion of the 2020 census, which is why the NDRC is making such a strident push now in what they call a "fight to shift the balance of power away from Republicans before redistricting occurs in 2021."

More here

1 comment:

  1. Any time you hear the names Soros, Obama, Holder & Steyer --you know its dirty, corrupt and not good for the USA


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