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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Democrats extend lead in seven out of 10 undecided House races as ballot-counting continues

As ballot-counting continues, Democrats have extended their lead in seven out of 10 undecided House races.

Democrats gained ground in two undecided House races in Orange County, California, raising the possibility of a Democratic sweep of four closely contested congressional races in the one-time Republican stronghold.

In the 45th District in Orange County, Democrat Katie Porter jumped into a 261-vote lead over Republican Rep Mimi Walters, after trailing the incumbent since Election Day.

And in the 39th District, anchored in Orange County, Democrat Gil Cisneros tightened the gap with Republican Young Kim.



  1. Dead Mayor Richard Daley would be very proud. He knew how to get the dead to vote!

  2. This election was a test run for their new voter fraud technique for the 2020 election.

  3. This is ridiculous. Ballot counting is over, and with early voting should be easily accomplished by the legal deadlines.

    But no, the Dems have elections to steal!

  4. This is so sad, so many dead people and illegals voting. So sad.

  5. 4:24
    Dead mayor Richard Daley will be voting for Hillary in 2020

  6. Damn dumbocrat's have never been involved in a election they won't steal and republicans allow these actions. So,as a republican am I supposed to be pissed, ashamed, disheartened or just continue to watch insects like the fat failed candidate continue with the case and make a ass out of us. I don't know what to do as a mere minion, but I expect the turds I vote for to fight this crap and not just stuff their wallets as they do.

  7. 6:45 and this is the exact reason why the 2nd Amendment is important... Once the dems steal an election, what if they decide to not leave office if they lose the next one or decide to make themselves a dictator like the president of china just did??? How will you remove them then with no guns???


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