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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Democratic donors plot to punish Kirsten Gillibrand for holding Al Franken accountable for his sins

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., has flipped her position on issues before, yet for the one thing she remained admirably principled on — the seriousness of sexual assault — the Democratic donor class reportedly plans on punishing her.

Yes, Gillibrand is going to be punished for the crime of leading the charge to oust sexual predator Al Franken from the Senate.

In case you need a recap of the bevy of evidence that on multiple occasions, Franken made aggressive, unwanted physical advances and even attacks on more than half a dozen women we know of, let me forward you to David Freddoso's exhaustive review from this weekend. If you still find Franken's behavior, evidence and all, excusable, then I suggest you close out of this page now.



  1. Hope she gets kicked out like Franken

  2. Funny how Democrats are turning on each other.

  3. I think it's funny that dems are turning on their own kind

  4. Just wait until 37 and counting run for President. Pop the popcorn. Should be a good show

  5. Love it when the turn on themselves.


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