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Friday, November 09, 2018

Dem Campaign Accused of Stealing Fla. Election

Democratic stronghold could decide election

The spokesman for Republican Gov. Rick Scott’s campaign has accused his opponent’s campaign of “preparing” to steal the election for Florida’s next senator.

Scott’s campaign spokesman, Chris Hartline, said Democrat incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) “won’t be successful” in his attempt to steal the election in a Thursday tweet.

“Let’s be clear about the Nelson game-plan here,” he said. “They are preparing to try to steal this election in the courts because they couldn’t win it at the ballot box. They won’t be successful.”



  1. The Democrat woman who runs the election is withholding docs and voter rolls,lock her up.

  2. Can't based on her race. This is not the first time. Apparently, her priviledge lets her do whatever she wants.

  3. Why isn't anyone asking how, in view of the fact that the law requires all ballots to be turned in by a certain date and time, THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of votes suddenly appear? Who's in charge of THAT particular scam?
    I don't care who you vote for, but to suddenly "find" boxes of ballots that no one knew were there before??? HOW does that even happen??
    Put some people in prison. I'd be pretty angry if they handled my vote so carelessly. And why, in so many close elections, do democrats ALWAYS seem to find thousands of votes they somehow missed before???
    It IS ALWAYS democrats who do this. Do they have some secret group of college kids filling out ballots they can later "discover" if they lose??? WTF??
    Like I said, put some people in prison. When they use the FBI and the NSA and the media to pervert a Presidential election AND STILL LOSE (?!), they always seem to have a back-up plan of newly found ballots that no one knew about before.
    Skip prison, actually. March them outside and hang them.
    The revolution is coming, believe it.
    Next thing will be the standard third world edition of "election" results --- 99% of the people voted for the democrat candidate!!! They have the ballots to prove it, too!!
    Dispute that crazy figure? You will be shot or just disappear.
    Keep cheering.


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