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Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Dan Crenshaw Won’t Demand Apology from SNL’s Pete Davidson

On Sunday, TMZ caught up with Dan Crenshaw, a Republican candidate for Congress in Texas who lost his eye in Afghanistan and found himself the butt of a tasteless Saturday Night Live joke.

SNL’s Pete Davidson made light of Crenshaw’s war injury during the most recent live show, saying: “I’m sorry. I know he lost his eye in war or whatever … Whatever.”

That jab prompted calls for an apology — and even a CNN panel slamming the attempt at a joke — but Crenshaw doesn’t think an apology is needed.

In fact, he said that the culture of apology-demanding is just not healthy for America.

“I want us to get away from this culture where we demand an apology every time someone misspeaks,” Crenshaw said.

He added: “I think that would be very healthy for our nation to go in that direction. We don’t need to be outwardly outraged. I don’t need to demand apologies from them. They can do whatever they want, you know. They are feeling the heat from around the country right now and that’s fine.”



  1. Who watches SNL anymore ? Haven't watched it in over 25 years.

  2. Pete Davidson looks like a druggie. I wonder how long before we hear that he over dosed?


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