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Monday, November 19, 2018

Cutting razor wire, caravan migrants make a new case for a border wall

After a big public relations buildup about razor wire being installed at the border to keep illegal migrants out, caravan migrants are at it again, this time cutting the newly installed razor wire:

Customs and Border Patrol has a video of the crime in San Diego.

There's video of another one at the the border in Arizona. Both happened on the exact same day, Nov. 14.

Obviously, it's coordinated, and by a very canny organized group (cartels?) that wants to send a message to the U.S. that its border efforts are useless. Tactically, it's striking first and striking hard, right there with the cameras rolling, which it obviously wants. Once the razor wires are cut, the migrants, who contrary to the television news photos are not mostly moms and toddlers, but unemployed military aged males, will climb the fence again, hop over unencumbered to the other side, take up residence as illegal immigrants with all their legal protections and left-wing lawyer advocates, and humiliate President Trump in his bid to gain control of the U.S. border. And the razor wire cutting suggests they intend to do it anytime they like.

Message: Resistance is futile.

More/video here


  1. All the stupid idiot's that think they are resisting our president had better rethink because they are resisting themselves and the rest of us. The government's number one mission anywhere (local, county, state, federal) is to protect the citizen's. The politician's often loose sight of this and act as if their mission is to spend those very citizen's money...OPM. It is just plain stupid to resist your own safety.

  2. It is called and now proven it is an invasion of the US. Just like the invasion of Europe by the Germans in WWI / WWII. President Trump has the authority to use the Military to stop this invasion. The Socialist Liberal Democrats are supporting this invasion. Is this not the reason of both WWI / WWII in Europe? Let the Military do their job. Where is the Democrat Socialist Liberals hide when the civil war begins on US soil? Now you know and will be thankful for the gun owners even if you will not be welcome with us and be stuck with your ANARCHIST friends.

  3. Lock and load, that will deter them from doing this!

  4. 9:34 no you idiot, this is not the reason for WWI or WWII... WWI started due to the assassination of a president of another country, a president who was holding the world together until his murder... And NO again, the reason for WWI and WWII was to take control of other country's and take their resources and to show force under the guise of helping eradicate the Germans from their country... You need to research yuor history and pay the fuck attention next time while reading it... Wars are always started for greedy and who has the bigger stick...

  5. Destruction of federal property and they just watched? Shoot the bastards!

  6. just didnt have enough voltage need to put up more solar panels and jack that voltage up

  7. 11:08 you are the idiot my jest was that the Germans invaded the weaker European Countries and took over their economy and persecuted the ones who resisted. You need to read and comprehend what happen after the assassination Of the Leader of another Country. The Germans invaded and took over other Countries because they thought they were the superior race. There was no reason the Germans invaded and took over Europe and attempted to over take England. DAAAAAAAAA.

  8. Dave T: Amazing that our own former president, argued in favor of these so called poor people who are coming here in need of help. That is hardly the case. Once again, Obozo Obama proves outright that his mouth is much bigger than his brain. This is an invasion, it is wrong, and it must be stopped!

  9. problem is dems see these freeloaders as votes not invaders, shoot a few to get the word out..get in line like all legal imigrants do or get shot


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