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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Clintons’ Speaking Tour Opens to 83% Empty Seats, Coughing Fit

Bill and Hillary Clinton’s 13-city speaking tour opened in Toronto to a near-empty arena and a coughing fit.

The Daily Mail reports that this latest money grab from the Clintons managed to attract only 3,300 in a stadium that holds 19,800 — which works out to 83 percent empty. This figure is made even more embarrassing by the fact that as the date of the event neared, the venue was not able to give tickets away at just $6.55 each. Ticket prices started between $200 and $53 Canadian.

On top of that, in the middle of the event, Hillary had one of her famous coughing fits, which was caught on video.

More /video here


  1. I can't understand why there are so many empty seats. I would gladly pay $200 or more to see Hillary cough for 5 minutes then fall on her ass.

  2. Hopefully, she'll run again and 83% won't vote for her!

  3. the only thing worse then the clintons are the garbage that voted and still support them.

  4. Those two nuts were almost in the White House again. Phew.

  5. She looks and sounds terrible but he sounds like death warmed over. Both of them sound like they are headed for the grave.

  6. I hope she runs again. I loved watching NBC, CBS, MSNBC, ABC, CNN talking heads just go from shocked silence to berserk facial expressions when they realized Trump beat her.
    The shemale who hosts MSNBC is still my favorite one to watch over and over when it was announced Hilda beast lost. And Hilda beast didn't even have the class to concede that evening...

  7. Put the champagne back in the bottle

  8. She just needed a good stiff drink.

  9. Don't think they're going to be one of the presidential couples who see 95 or so years of age.


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