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Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Christine Blasey Ford Thanks America For $650,000 Payday, Hopes Life "Will Return To Normal"

Amid the sound and fury of the disgusting antics of the Brett Kavanaugh SCOTUS nomination process, one of the main defenses of Christine Balsey Ford's sudden recollection of an '80s sexual assault was simply "...why would she lie... what's in it for her?"

Certainly, the forced publicity by Dianne Feinstein and public questioning guaranteed her 15 minutes of fame (and perhaps even more infamy if Kavanaugh's nomination had failed) but now, in a statement thanking everyone who had supported her, Ford is "hopeful that our lives will return to normal."



  1. Laughable at best...

  2. A very typical, lying liberal, demoCRAP. NO integrity, nothing between her ears; a true POS

  3. The American dream
    Go figure

  4. She's just another mad, ugly democrat.

  5. Just curious...is a GoFundMe "windfall" a taxable event? I understand it would not be considered earned income but perhaps IRS should audit her 2018 return. Hmmmmmm....tax evasion?

  6. We need to offer members of MS13 a pile of cash to actually go and Rape her, than she will know what its really like and quite faking it.

  7. Unbelievable scam !

  8. $650,000.00. Is that a motive to lie to Congress and the American people? You bet it is! The truth would have been free.


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