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Thursday, November 22, 2018

Charges dropped in first federal genital mutilation case in US

A Detroit judge has dropped nearly all the charges against a Michigan doctor accused of performing female genital mutilation on at least nine underage girls, according to court documents.

In a decision filed Tuesday, Judge Bernard Friedman ruled that the federal female genital mutilation law is unconstitutional and that Congress did not have the right to criminalize the practice, and therefore he dismissed six of eight charges in the United States' first federal case involving the procedure.

"Congress overstepped its bounds by legislating to prohibit [female genital mutilation]," Friedman wrote, calling it a "local criminal activity" for the states to regulate, not Congress.

Dr. Jumana Nagarwala is the lead defendant in the case. While the charges of conspiring to commit and committing female genital mutilation, as well as aiding and abetting others in doing so, have been dropped, Nagarwala still faces charges of conspiring to travel with intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct and conspiring to obstruct an official proceeding. She was charged alongside Dr. Fakhruddin Attar, his wife, Farida Attar, and five other residents of Michigan and Minnesota.


  1. Disgusting, they are silently taking over while idiots in our system help them do it!

    1. I am sure there MSM hides the crimes just like WBOC WMDT do.

  2. This is UNREAL and what Dem libs want in America to DESTROY IT AND ITS WAY OF LIFE. WE THE PEOPLE WILL NOT STAND FOR IT.

  3. How can a girl's clitoris be surgically removed against her will yet it does not violate the Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness guarantees?

  4. It is all part of the Muslims plan and intent to destroy the U.S. by using our laws and courts against us. The real problem is these liberal judges are going right along with them just like sheep to the slaughter. Just wait and see they will have "no go zones" here in the U.S. just like Britain and Sharia courts set up. Wake up people it is one form of Jihad they use to overthrow a country and it's people. Mark my words if this is not stopped all non-Muslims will have have to pay a tax to keep from being beheaded according to their book of law the Koran.


  5. Please understand the judge was not endorsing this barbaric practice. What he found was that Congress does not have authority constitutionally to ban or regulate it. Just as important he found that the states do have this power. Some have already legislated against it, and the others are now on notice to proceed quickly.

    Where, Oh where is the MeToo crowd? Crickets!


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