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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

CDC: Romaine lettuce linked to E.coli outbreak

Just days before Thanksgiving, the CDC is advising that U.S. consumers stay away from ALL romaine lettuce following an E.coli outbreak.

On Tuesday, the CDC said any romaine lettuce should not be eaten, and retailers and restaurants should not sell or serve any.

This comes after an outbreak of E.coli infections has been linked to the lettuce.

The CDC stated that this advisory includes all types and uses of romaine lettuce.



  1. So, no turkey-salmonella scare and no salad-e.coli scare. looks like pumkin pie, ma!

  2. This is what happens when undocumented workers harvest your food. They do not know what cleanliness means. Also use the fields as a bathroom. What can you expect. Look for many more deseases.

  3. I have concluded that Romaine lettuce is no longer safe to eat. Too many of these “outbreaks”

  4. 2:14
    Cooking the turkey and also the pumpkin pie correctly will kill salmonella. You don't really have that options with salad :) Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Send it down to feed the Migrants! They deserve it.

  6. Looking like nobody will be having any salads for thanksgiving this year


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