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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Carl Bernstein suggests media should edit White House pressers before airing them

Veteran journalist Carl Bernstein said cable news networks should stop broadcasting White House press conferences and briefings in their entirety because they have become "propagandist exercises."

"I don't think we should be taking them live all the time and just pasting them up on the air because they're basically propagandist exercises because they are overwhelmed by his dishonesty and lying," Bernstein said during a segment of CNN's "Reliable Sources" on Sunday, referring to President Trump. "Maybe we should be there, edit, decide as reporters what is news, and after the press conference or briefing is over then go with that story with clips rather than treating the briefing or press conference as a campaign event, which they really are."

But Bernstein added it was important to still record the events and make them available online for the record. He also noted that cable news had cause to reconsider its coverage of the White House before the Trump administration took office.



  1. Bernstein... The name says it all.

  2. We're still waiting to know what dishonesty and lying they're all talking about.

  3. I think we would prefer CNN doesn’t cover the White House. Just leave it to Fox News.


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