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Thursday, November 01, 2018

Cannabis inflicts long-term damage on teenage brains, study finds

Teenagers who use cannabis are inflicting long-term damage on their brains, a new study has warned.

Researchers tracked nearly 4,000 teenagers over fours years and found clear evidence of marijuana use being linked to struggles with reasoning, memory and inhibitions later in life.

Previous studies have shown that cannabis misuse has been linked to impairments in learning, attention, and decision-making, as well as lower academic performance.

But the team, led by the University of Montreal in Canada, says its findings are the first to show the causal and lasting effects of teen pot use on cognitive development.



  1. The cannibus industry is about making money and nothing else. What moron thinks no harm will come to young people when you push your money making cannibus on them.

  2. Of course it does. Bottom line is it's not good for people. Anything put into the human body which doesn't belong there is bad. To claim it's "natural" is asinine. Arsenic is "natural" too but that doesn't mean it is good for you. Wanting to sit around being stoned (or drunk) for that matter means you have bigger issues that should be addressed. You are escaping life your life which you don't like for some reason.

  3. Well imagine that! So, lets rush and legalize it before people find out the truth. Only true morons want to legalize drugs.

  4. Plenty of documented health benefits among adults.

  5. @1:51 amen. I'd rather use cannabis than the long term effects of nicotine or alcohol

  6. 1:51, so does opium. But legalizing it's use for the masses just because a few can benefit is ridiculous. It's about the money. It should be prescription only.


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