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Saturday, November 03, 2018

Buchanan: Mass Migration Is A Mortal Threat To Red State America

Among the reasons Donald Trump is president is that his natural political instincts are superior to those of any other current figure.

As campaign 2018 entered its final week, Trump seized upon and elevated the single issue that most energizes his populist base and most convulses our media elite.

Warning of an “invasion,” he pointed to the migrant caravan that had come out of Honduras and was wending its way through Mexico. He then threatened to issue an executive order ending birthright citizenship.

As other caravans began to assemble in Central America, Trump said he would send, first 5,200 and then 15,000, troops to the border.

This ignited the predictable hysteria of the media elite who decried his “racism,” his “lying” and his “attack on the 14th Amendment.” Trump, they railed, is sending more troops to the Mexican border than we have in Syria or Iraq.

True. But to most Americans, the fate and future of the republic is more likely to be determined on the U.S.-Mexican border than on the border between Syria and Iraq.



  1. Its a threat to america as you know it period! Very few want to assimilate. They want to come here wanting to change the place.

  2. Our Military is to be used to prevent an invasion of the US. That is one of the jobs of our Military. Soros and the "bully" Democrats organized this ANARCHIST movement. Soros has done this all over the world since his native country kicked him out and ban him. He has made his mission to destroy any form of Democracy.

  3. All come here's ruin every where they come to
    Vote straight R's people for the sake of the country
    Think before you vote

  4. I'm absolutely amazed at how the Dems - via the MSM- have convinced their followers to welcome so many illegal immigrants by explaining it's the humane thing to do.
    That's totally BS. The ONLY REASON they want illegals to come into our country is to change the ratio in the Electoral College. It's all about votes. Period. They don't give a damn about Javier and Maria and their children.


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