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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Breaking Report: Broward County Deputy Says Civil Rights Attorneys Were Handing Out Absentee Ballots to Inmates AFTER ELECTION? (Update)

A Broward County Sheriff’s deputy says attorneys were collecting ballots AFTER the election last Tuesday.

We are looking into this—

Friday Novemeber 9, 2018 5:30pm — Annie Marie Delgado, President of TrumpTeam Florida 2020, conference called Ann Vandersteel with a a current DOJ employee and was a former high ranking Broward County law enforcement officer. He stated at 7:00 AM that same morning he received a call from a deputy in the Broward County jail. The Deputy said there was “corruption going on inside the jail and that he had never seen anything like it.”



  1. Dave T: This situation reeks of corruption. Somebody needs to go to jail. Once again, where is the GOP to protect their own? Why is it, time and time again, the GOP remains quiet, meek, and mild when they are being attacked. I can think of no other reason than that they are a part of the problem. Absolutely, 100% ridiculous!

  2. I live in Florida and I want to see ARRESTS NOW.

  3. So do I but what can a private citizen do - protest. That won't get you anywhere.


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