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Saturday, November 03, 2018

Border official: three-quarters of migrants in the caravan are adult men

SAN DIEGO — Nearly three-quarters of those in the caravan of Central American migrants traveling through Mexico to the United States are adult men, a senior Border Patrol official told the Washington Examiner.

Families and unaccompanied children make up "about 20 to 30 percent" of the caravan, according to Roy Villareal, deputy chief patrol agent of the Border Patrol's San Diego Sector.

"The rest of that is single, adult males," Villareal said during a recent tour of the region.

Single-parent families and children who illegally enter the country will not be prosecuted, unlike adults.

If a one-parent family or child is found to have illegally entered the country, they may also still claim asylum.

The process of having an asylum claim heard before a judge can take a couple of years. Due to the Department of Homeland Security's inability to hold more than a few thousand people at a time, tens of thousands of people were released into the country in fiscal 2018 and told to appear for immigration court dates in the future.



  1. I get what the head line means, that they are not little innocent children. But it really doesn't matter. If they are not going through the proper canals they are illegal invaders no matter what age or size. Stop the madness, we can not afford it.

  2. i call bs! pics i've seen would be more like 95%.
    it's all about fleecing the american taxpayer!

  3. These adults want to free load off of America. They were offered safety in Mexico but said no. Turn them around and let them fight for their country that they so proudly display their country flag.


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