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Thursday, November 01, 2018

Black Halloween Revelers Don Whiteface and MAGA Hats

You may have heard the kerfuffle that comes up every year over problematic Halloween costumes because lunatics abound. You know the drill: Indian princesses and Mexican sombreros are "racist" and a form of "cultural appropriation." White people are scolded constantly for allowing our children to role-play on Halloween and are instead supposed to dictate to them what they can and cannot wear in case it might offend some pink-haired perma-oppressed harpy. But it only goes one way. If you're white in America, there's all kinds of stuff you can't do without causing an international incident that could get you fired and shunned. Everyone knows you can't wear blackface (even if you're dressing up like a military man in full camouflage — greasepaint is not okay). But the rules are even more convoluted than that. Take this gem from The Caucasian's Guide to Halloween, written by a super thoughtful black person just to help us out.



  1. As American Romani we are instucted by liberals to be offended when someone dresses up as a gypsy. First of all liberals speak for very few gypsies and second we don't get offended over anything. We ignore and move on. Being offended is for the weak and gypsies having to endure so much do not waste time being offended. It only holds you back as a culture or as a race.

  2. Great comment 10:45

  3. Isn't this what Megyn Kelly got fired for talking about?

  4. LOL... so the guy in the Sombrero jumping the wall from Mexico costume is supposed to be funny and cool.. but this isn't?

    Both are pretty clever, and both are hysterical. Lets stop taking each other so seriously.

  5. So it's Ok for blacks to don a "whiteface" but criminal for whites to don a "blackface."

    How pathetic has this country become!

  6. You catch on quick.


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