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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Attorney General Frosh Files Motion Challenging the Appointment of Whitaker as Acting Attorney General

BALTIMORE, MD (November 13, 2018) - Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh today filed a motionchallenging the appointment of Matthew G. Whitaker as Acting Attorney General in the State’s lawsuit,Maryland v. U.S. et al., which seeks to uphold the Affordable Care Act’s protection of people with preexisting conditions and other key provisions. In his motion, Attorney General Frosh argues that President Trump’s appointment of Whitaker is illegal and unconstitutional, and Deputy U.S. Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein must be named Acting Attorney General in his stead. Attorney General Frosh asks the Court to declare Rosenstein Acting Attorney General and to recognize his authority to represent the United States in this case.

“The Constitution and Congress have established vitally important processes for filling high-level vacancies in the federal government,” said Attorney General Frosh. “Few positions are more critical than that of U.S. Attorney General, an office that wields enormous enforcement power and authority over the lives of all Americans. President Trump’s brazen attempt to flout the law and Constitution in bypassing Deputy U.S. Attorney General Rosenstein in favor of a partisan and unqualified staffer cannot stand.”

Read more in the full press release:http://www.marylandattorneygeneral.gov/press/2018/111318.pdf


  1. Frosch is such a liberal jackass

  2. He needs to read the constitution. He will lose in court.
    A waste of MD taxpayer's money

  3. Such a shame that this s.o.b. Was re-elected

  4. Frosch is just an ass simple as that. A simple ass!!

  5. Must have some "skin" in this action.

  6. Maryland taxpayers expect you to work for them not your donors.

  7. Will we ever be done with Frosh?

  8. is there anybody this jackass doesn't want to sue? Can't we fire him?

  9. another knee jerk reaction from the md tards. traitors to the state nation constitution and our president. md politicains stand for tyranny oppression and marxism. YOU DO NOT REPRESENT ME!!! SDASTFU


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