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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Ancient clay pipes found in Virginia reveal site of the REAL first Thanksgiving

Archaeologists have discovered 400-year-old artifacts that could point to the location of the first Thanksgiving in America – an event that took place two years before the well-known celebration at Plymouth Rock.

According to the team, the first Thanksgiving was not that held in 1621 by the pilgrims that arrived on the Mayflower, but hundreds of miles away in 1619, by a short-lived colony that set sail from England years earlier.

Recent work at the Berkeley Plantation in Virginia has uncovered clues that hint at the site of this settlement on the banks of the James River, including clay tobacco pipes that show both Native American and English influence.



  1. Not going to address Ivanka using a private email server for government documentss and emails? LOCK HER UP HYPOCRITE.

    1. Nope. Democrats assured us this wasn't a crime. If it wasn't a crime for Clinton, then it isn't a crime for anyone else. You can't have it both ways.

  2. I knew this years ago. My grandmothers family is from around Berkeley, and she was always saying that Virginia was robbed of the historic event.

  3. We’ve come full circle. Unfortunately, many families will be smoking pipes around the table this holiday—pipes, bongs, blunts.


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