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Monday, November 19, 2018

ALL OF ORANGE COUNTY Turns Blue After Democrats Find Thousands of Votes Post Election Day

Orange County, a traditionally conservative enclave in Southern California turned all blue after Democrats found tens of thousands of votes post election day.

Just two years ago in 2016, only 2 Congressional districts in Orange County voted blue–now just two years later every single district voted blue.

Democrat blue wave? More like Democrat election fraud.

The 39th district was officially called for Democrat Gil Cisneros over Republican Young Kim who was up by 3 points on election night and was set to be the first Korean-American Congresswoman. The Democrats stole this race with ‘late votes.’

Young Kim was up by 3,900 votes on election night with 100% of the precincts reporting according to AP and she ended up losing by 3,000 votes 11 days after the election.



  1. This is a problem that won't fix itself or just go away.

  2. 10:39 No it won't but neither will you or anyone else help fix it or make it go away... You are part of the problem you say exists, so lets start there...

  3. Where is the Investigation ?

  4. Across the country Republicans allowed this to happen. With over 40 RHINOS retiring in Congress of course they knew. Until the American voter wakes up it going to happen over and over.

    1. I agree but at least we got rid of those Traitor bastards.

  5. Those democrats have just got to lie, cheat and steal. Worthless fools.


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