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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Alexander: Winning Elections the Democrat Way

"The more time that passes since Election Day, the better things keep looking for Democrats." —Demo Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer

In the inimitable words of Baseball Hall of Fame sage Yogi Berra, “It’s déjà vu all over again.” Who could’ve guessed that, after the closing bell of the 2018 midterm election, the Florida results would turn into a ballot brawl, tied up in nine legal challenges (at current count)?

Perhaps Karl Marx got something correct when noting that history repeats itself, “first as tragedy, then as farce”

Given the Trump administration’s extraordinary midterm scorecard of domestic and foreign policy achievements, it’s unfortunate that Republicans lost control of the House. Still, it wasn’t anything like the 63-seat bloodbath Barack Obama suffered in his first midterm referendum.

But in the end, the combined “Hate Trump” salvos from the Democrat Party and its Leftmedia advocates was enough to saturate the polls.

Though Obama’s Democrats also lost six Senate seats in his first midterm, it appears that Trump’s Republicans have gained two seats — maybe.

A week ago, it looked like Republicans had picked up three seats, with former Air Force fighter pilot Martha McSally capturing the Senate seat being vacated by anti-Trump Republican Jeff Flake. Instead, she conceded Monday in a narrow loss to a petulant leftist, Kyrsten Sinema. The latter once described her state as “a meth lab of democracy,” a dig at Arizona’s “deplorables.”

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1 comment:

  1. kids used to say, "cheaters never prosper". guess that doesn't apply to dems!


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