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Monday, November 19, 2018

After Winning Election, Democrat Ilhan Omar Now Says She 'Supports BDS Movement'

Minnesota Democrat Ilhan Omar came out against the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement during her campaign, but after winning election, she now says she "supports the BDS movement."

Omar, a Muslim Somali-American elected last week to replace outgoing Rep. Keith Ellison (D., Minn.) in the House, fought accusations that she held anti-Israel views during her campaign. As part of that effort, she told a group of Jewish voters in the state that she opposed the economic boycott of Israel, calling it "counteractive" and "not helpful in getting that two-state solution."

But Omar's tune has changed since winning the election. In an interview published Sunday byMuslimGirl, Omar said she "supports the BDS movement."

"Ilhan believes in and supports the BDS movement, and has fought to make sure people’s right to support it isn’t criminalized," her campaign told MuslimGirl, which said Omar had been criticized for coming out against BDS. Omar's campaign also pointed MuslimGirl to her vote against an anti-BDS bill in Minnesota's state legislature and her argument that boycott movements were successful in South Africa.

The comment is seen as a complete reversal by members of the Jewish community in her district.



  1. Typical Democrat, lie, cheat, steal, anything to win then once in flips on all the issues they ran and won on. Keep cheering and voting for the new Democratic Socialist party and be prepared to be poor due to overtaxation!

  2. When will the Jewish voters learn to never trust these slimes!?

  3. why believe a muslim their god is satan and satan lies and deceives..

  4. This is how they do it, a little at a time, smiling right at you and telling you lies.

  5. It is called Taqiyya. Muslims are allowed to lie to the infidel.

  6. A Muslim is allowed to lie in their religion, he America a new concept - Politicians are all Muslims - the religion of hate and lies.

    1. Don't forget the American Nazi's haters in this country.

  7. She changed her stance and you call her out here as a liar. Welp, I seem to recall a certain POTUS stating a certain country would pay for the cost of a certain wall. Yet now all I hear about is how the government is going to get shut down if congress doesn't pony up the bucks for this wall. What say you about liars and flip floppers?

  8. "A lie that serves the purposes of Allah is not a lie."

  9. 1:44
    Changed her stance? Oh come on! Are you that dense?

    She's a lying cheating thieving dumbocrat that will say anything to get elected.


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