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Sunday, November 25, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Wicomico Court House

The following letter was sent to Sheriff Lewis. Of course there has been no response.

Salisbury, MD 21804

October 13, 2018

Sheriff Michael Lewis
401 Naylor Mill Road
Salisbury, MD 21801

Dear Sheriff Lewis:

A recent visit to the Wicomico County courthouse has me confused.

I find it hard to believe that it is necessary to ask visitors to the courthouse to remove their BELTS. I understand there is a need for security.

The courthouse uses magnetometers to scan visitors on entry. However, the magnetometers are designed to allow people to pass through them with their belts ON.

In the course of my business, I enter the U.S. Capitol complex on a weekly basis. I have never been asked to remove my belt. Additionally, the U.S. Capitol has over 3 million visitors per year, and RARELY is anyone asked to remove their belt. On the rare occasions the magnetometers register a problem, the police officers happily hand-wand inspect the visitor for further investigation.

You recently visited with the President of the United States at the White House. I doubt the secret service asked you to remove your belt.

Your staff have hand-wand detectors at the courthouse. That should be satisfactory to insure the safety of the visitors to the courthouse.

I would like to hear your explanation of this completely INTRUSIVE operation.




  1. Walk into any court on the Eastern Shore and they do they same thing. They're about 30 years behind in the times.

    1. Anne Arundel District court in Annapolis does the same. Guess they are, too.

  2. Although I do agree that removing a belt may not be necessary, I do not understand how requesting someone to remove a belt is intrusive. I would think that having a deputy up next to you, while having a wand waved within inches of your body would be more intrusive. With that said, if it's the policy and you don't like it don't go in the court. I'm sure if you're supposed to be there and don't go, someone will come pick you up and take you in through an entrance without a metal detector.

  3. What an idiotic thing to be upset about. It is not "INTRUSIVE." It may be a pain in the butt, but "INTRUSIVE" is a little overboard. In a world where violence is growing more and more common, you really want to lessen security measures? So dumb. "Should be satisfactory" completely ruins your argument.

    1. Agreed. These are the same sissies that scream "something must be done" when a shooting occurs. Also the same sissies that never served.

  4. Suck it up.. try to go thru airport security wearing a belt.

  5. Tsa also doesn't make you take off belt at BWI, PHL or Dfw

    1. Incorrect you are

    2. TSA pre-approval is better yet. You have a separate line (actually no line). Don't take off your shoes; jacket/sweather or belts. Right through. You pay a one-time fee and when TSA approves your status you are given a number. Use that when making a reservation and they you go. Recommend TSA pre-approval.

    3. It's called TSA pre check. It cost 85.00 and is good for a 5 year period. Totally worth it.

  6. So how will you react when life tosses you an actual problem?

    1. Most likely by breaking down into tears and kicking his feet/legs like a 3 year old temper tantrum

    2. Exactly!! We've created an entire generation of mentally and physically Americans with zero common sense.

  7. you have to remove them in chattanooga

  8. I can answer this idiot! Look at the people entering the Courthouse, no respect for where they are language or proper attire, it’s a wannabe baby thug show. Once inside disrespect smart ass comments to lawyers and judges. Pants down on their asses nasty bed room slippers on their feet...they get exactly what they deserve!!!! Live with the inconvenience.......

  9. Even for Jury Duty you have to remove your belt, never understood this myself all these years.

  10. From the letter I would guess you were at district court which is a state building and the sheriff has no control over it.

  11. He probably hasn’t gotten your letter. He hasn’t been at the office in weeks. That’s typical though.

  12. we just do what we are told! cause some judge ordered it, so let it be written so let it be done! off with you serfs!

  13. I agree, the whole purpose of wearing a belt is to hold your pants up. When I have to take my belt off my pants droop and it is embarrassing. Maybe if Mike would be required to remove his belt when entering the courthouse he understand what we're going through.

    1. Or you could try buying pants that fit you instead of one's you can intentionally let sag down your butt in an attempt to attract another man to come enjoy a piece...

    2. I'm actually referring to having to strip down in a $1,000 suit that was slim fit.

    3. Your pants droop in a $1000 custom made slim fit? Lol, dude you might wanna get your money back. And no, $1000 suits don't impress anyone. They just make people laugh at you behind your back because you're a d-bag. Evidently a litigious d-bag.

  14. It is nothing more than a tactic to humiliate and display dominance over the citizens. Sheriff Lewis would had fit in well during the 40s in Germany.

    1. Humiliate? How much of a pansy can you be? It's a security measure. Don't like it? Find a new profession

    2. Security measure? We live in a police state. Why should I strip for random people? So you're telling me that even though we exist in a time that we all carry mini supercomputers in our back pocket, yet we cannot detect metal in a metal detector? This is nothing more than over policing and it is a humiliation and embarrassment to our constitution and personal rights. wake up call, 911 was a false flag operation you all are SHEEP!

      John N. McJilton

    3. I'm not a lawyer, just a victim of the police state. My ancestor Jubal early was a lawyer though. If sh*t ever hit the fan I will rise up like him.

  15. Some belts actually contain hidden weapons. A visual inspection is prudent.

  16. Salisbury bring up the rear(s) again.
    Still a wanna be.

  17. All the people saying suck it up don’t travel on planes and never need to go into high security buildings. This is an adult complaint, and it’s more small town sadness is all. Same for Salisbury airport, sad.

  18. With all the important issues to focus on in this country, some choose this. Amazing.

  19. I don't mind the "intrusion" but when all you need is something for boat registration it's a little foolish to have that office behind the security checkpoint.

    1. Boat registration?!!! You idiot!!! DNR has not been in that building for over a year.

  20. Could be a lawyer bringing dope to his client. You can hide a good amount of smack in a belt.

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Walk into any court on the Eastern Shore and they do they same thing. They're about 30 years behind in the times.

    November 20, 2018 at 4:02 PM:

    Walk into the courthouse in Snow Hill and see how wrong your comment is. Do not speak of what you do not know.

    1. That's interesting you should say that considering I have had to strip every time I've ever entered the courthouse in Snow Hill by the river.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I don't mind the "intrusion" but when all you need is something for boat registration it's a little foolish to have that office behind the security checkpoint.

    November 21, 2018 at 6:26 AM:

    Get with it. The DNR office moved to the MVA off of route 50 a couple of years ago. They don't search anyone at the MVA.

  23. Much more important items to address and correct than what one thinks is or is not intrusive.

  24. You never know. you might have a 2 inch blade in your buckle and cause some serious wounds. Not!
    I mean, don't they have an armed bailiff in each courtroom?

  25. I fail to see what the big issue is just take them off and get over it, if it has been a safety issue around here then so be it they are protecting us. There are bigger things in life to take issue with.

  26. And the ones doing the scanning have swelled head attitudes. I had one snap at me because I forgot to leave my little pocket knife in the car. You would have thought I tried to bring in a machine gun or bomb or something. The blade was only 3 inches long. Maybe he thought it was an assault knife. Fool.

  27. Do not complain about the belt, Robin Townsend may request a cavity search next.

  28. If you have ever noticed the court employee's don't have to go thru the scanners at all. If you want to complain about something.

  29. Search for "knife belt buckle". Some are nylon.

  30. November 25, 2018 at 12:02 PM:

    Sounds like you're a frequent visitor. S'matter? Too many tickets? Maybe you should clean up your act. And taking off any metal on your person is not stripping. Embellish much in all your other comments?

  31. Although I understand your concerns,

    but small caliper handguns can be affixed inside the belt buckle.

    as noted above, lots of homey thugs enter the courthouse, and a court house shooting would happen .

    I emphasize with you for Little Lewis untimely response....knowing Little Lewis, he is probably taking selfies for his facebook.page.

  32. If my midsection is to large for my short arms to reach the belt loops on the sides and back, will they assist in replacement or do I remove my pants also to comply?

  33. courthouse needs to be accessible. They say it is, but it isn't.

  34. You all are conservatives? LMAO - It is embarrassing to have to dress myself and reorganize my attire in public. How hard is that to believe? There are nearly 8 billion of us here. Not everyone thinks like you, Jack. I love coming here and trolling you conservative retarded shore billy morons.

    Glad I moved away from that cesspool. Will never look back because you're all a bunch of backwards rednecks.

    Demanding someone to undress (even if partially) is NOTHING MORE than a tactic to flex domination and control by saying "hey, we run this show here and as soon as you enter we will deprive you of your privacy"

    You retarded idiots are all living under the control of an over-policed government and welcoming it with open arms. Shame on all of you.

    John Nelson McJilton

  35. I like how all of you get so worked up over my stating the price of the suit and style. The point was to say I looked respectable and you would see a pack of gum bulging from my pocket, so why do I need to undress myself in front of strangers?

    It's hilarious also the treatment I get when I enter the courthouse in suits compared to all black hoodies/jeans/beanies.

    I like stirring things up and watching you all cut your eyes at me in the process. You can snarl and call me what you like but I still live life how I want to live it while you all have sacrificed your best years to crap jobs and corporations that will never reward you for your efforts as they truly should be rewarded.

    The baby boomers are on their way out and it's time for gen-x and millennial to start running the show.

    - Jubal Anderson Early

  36. You're all sheep. You welcome over policing and surveillance with open arms. Hundred million dollar drone crashes in nanticoke - "who won the game". Speed cameras installed in places where school children don't even walk yet you just accept it. Ocean City has cameras hidden everywhere - "who cares". You allow the mainstream media to divide us all and are stuck on racist ideologies that need to be diminished from our society as a whole.

    You people need knowledge of self, you need to know who you are and how you are flawed and then attempt to repair that and achieve godliness while in the form of a human. Knowledge of self is critical, desire to change, you old dogs can still learn some new tricks. The year is 2018 and most of your personalities and ideologies were heavily influenced and based off of people who were born in the early 1900s.

    Making someone have to undress in public is nothing more than a fear tactic and a prime example of how well the American government has achieved it's goals to repress, surveil and control us via the Patriot Act.

    As one of the lazy, stupid, dumb millennials that you all so often refer to - I challenge you to study the life of William Cooper and what lead to his death.

    Think about that..

    John N. McJilton

  37. And yes my pants drop when the belt goes off, I have no ass.

    Use your brains, put yourself in other peoples shoes. I take a few steps and they are falling down. So now what do you have to say?

  38. Keyword "we created a generation". Your lack of foresight and careless spending, lack of parenting, and over dedication to your careers left a generation to grow up in broken homes with nothing but trouble to get into.

    Your parents stayed together no matter what! You baby boomers started this trend of divorce and broken homes. You selfish selfish old fools. Own your actions. The problems of the world ALL START AT HOME.

    Bad parenting = #1 contributor to our morally dwindling society.

    J. N. McJilton

  39. Mr. McJilton...I believe you have allowed something that doesn't even affect you to get you all riled up. Please, have a seat. Actually, have several.

    You'd likely be the VERY first one complaining when someone got through security with something they shouldn't have and, God forbid, hurt someone.

    Want to really have something to complain about? Work in a prison. You'd adore that daily pat down.


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