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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

7 Ways to Stop Democrats from Stealing Elections


  1. I'm so sick of seeing this tired unproven meme. I'm sick of BOTH sides of the isle smearing each other with broad, untrue brush strokes.

    Demonstrate, prove, provide evidence and PROSECUTED those guilty of fraud. Until then.. stop with the scare tactics.

    Try as hard as I can... I can't find any credible evidence of widespread voter fraud. It just doesn't happen. I've done it, now don't believe me and YOU go do it! You'll find plenty of accusations and scare stories... but you won't find proof, evidence, or prosecutions.

    1. Really. You are the expert. You can prove be it?

  2. When will we finally wake up and REQUIRE PROOF of citizenship befor being allowed to register to vote and then making sure people vote only once.

  3. No early voting. States have to establish enough voting poles to accommodate voters. No extending hours to cover up incompetency. No absentee voting unless you have legal documentation to verify. Must also have documentation with absentee ballot when sending back in. Must verify these ballots with the ones given out.

  4. "Hacking Democracy"

    A documentary produced by HBO. In 2007 Hacking Democracy was nominated for an Emmy award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism - Long Form.

    What were you saying cyber sleuth? Exactly STFU.

    You didnt look 1 time. If you did you would see there is a massive amount of info on voter fraud.....with convictions.

    Get these illegials out of this country.

  5. I've read of voter fraud instances especially during Obama years. One woman in Ohio bragged about voting multiple times and she was convicted but her fine was paid by liberals.


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