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Friday, October 05, 2018

Yahoo News Tweet Misquotes Lindsey Graham to Invent Sexist Attack

Yahoo News on Wednesday paraphrased a quote by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) in a way that made it appear like he made a sexist remark about one of the women who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct.

In an interview at the The Atlantic Festival, Graham defended President Donald Trump's recent criticism of Christine Blasey Ford.

"Everything he said was factual. He's frustrated his nominee has been treated so badly," Graham said.

"Factual? It was a personal degrading attack on someone who is a private citizen," responded interviewer Jeffrey Goldberg, editor in chief of The Atlantic.

"You know, here's what's personally degrading," Graham pushed back. "‘This is what happens when you go through a trailer park with a $100 bill.'"



  1. We in United States of America care more about scandals than what is seriously going on around us - China, Russia, Iran. It will be our downfall. and Obama is laughing himself silly.

  2. I saw an update to a James Carville quote, “ if you drag a million in crowd funding and a book deal through a University faculty lounge, you never know what you might find.”

  3. 4:56 AM - very good!


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