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Sunday, October 07, 2018

Women’s March Leader Criticizes “White Wives with Their White Husbands” — Calls for Attacks on Trump Supporters

Women’s March Leaders held a rally on Thursday outside the Supreme Court.

One of the speakers lashed out at “white women with their white husbands” and called on Democrats and far left activists to attack Trump supporters at their tables when they are out eating.

Via Benny Johnson:



  1. Wow is all I can say. Keep cheering.

  2. This has nothing to do with women's rights. It's Leftist agitation, filled with the political drivel that is their current claim to fame.
    They used to be relevant and have something meaningful to say, but not anymore.

  3. Not going to happen here. But I would love for this to happen to me at dinner. I am so sick of libs and their foolishness.

  4. Go ahead. Attack.

    LOL. Your herd needs some thinning.

  5. This is "Anarchy". Confront me and I will have to react since they invade a persons space and act in a hostel and threatening manner causing a situation in which people fear for their life. As Troy Landry would say "CHOOT'EM".

  6. Seriously, b/c I'm white, having dinner with my white husband? How is this acceptable? I used to be sympathetic and understanding. Now, I'm just getting upset. If I don't think as you do.....I'm a racist. Says someone who states my race as the main factor for harassment.......?

  7. I wish someone would interrupt my dinner with my wife.....it would be entertaining for the other patrons.

  8. Be very careful who you attack! Some of us will use the protection we carry.

  9. Bring it on if you feel that your loud mouth isn't doing it for you. Could end up regretting you approached my white man and my white self. We both enjoy a good meal and it shouldn't take him many seconds to remove you from our dining experience.

  10. More of these people should be arrested. Time for Trump to declare martial law and call out the troops.

    1. screw that

      let's bust some heads open....shi% will stop than

  11. Yes i will resist and get in the face of any attempt to shout my lily white arse down. Lay one hand on me your going down..

    i think we should start doxing these losers. Give them some of there own medicine

  12. It is going to get better.

    It isn't.

    It's going to get worse.
    These loser sissies are going to go berserk in the next couple of years and DEFINITELY after Trumps destroys them AGAIN.
    Notice how they ONLY bother people with their wives and not a Republican out with 5 of his friends at a local bar.
    There is a lot of hanging coming up....

  13. when it comes to dealing with children, lemony snickets said it best!

  14. They do know that those tables have silverwear at them , right?

  15. The violent left.

  16. i will be at harborside today with my trump shirt on.PLEASE come in and harass me! you will be eating out of a straw for the rest of your life snowflakes!!


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