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Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Women will be required on corporate boards in California, new landmark law says

More women will have a seat at corporate tables in California after a bill was signed into law Sunday by the governor.

The measure signed by Gov. Jerry Brown requires California-based, public corporations to have at least one female director on their boards, by the end of next year.

By the end of 2021, companies with "principal executive offices" in the state would be required to have up to three female directors, depending on the number of board seats.



  1. Totally unconstitutional. It will be struck down very quickly.

  2. Won't be struck down because almost all of the companies with "principal executive offices" in California already have women on their boards. After all if their headquarters are in Cali they are run by SJW snowflakes.

  3. Forced diversity and inclusion doesn't work! The federal government is a prime example of this experiment in 'equality'

    Look for more corporate headquarters to leave the land of fruits and nuts!


  4. What about the multiple other genders? C'mon Gov. Moonbeam get a seat for each gender flavor variant.

    More seriously, could cause some companies to change their state of registration.

    Small print on the law lets corporations complying use straws at Directors board meetings. /sarc

  5. Also they will be required to have a communist,snowflake, libtard, moonbat, 2 illegals and transgender by 2022.

  6. When is private companies being run / controlled by the Government? That is definitely Communism.

  7. WOW.
    To think POLITICIANS get to decide who runs your company now....
    If they run it like everything else, you'll be broke and in prison in 3 years or less.
    Of course, that is YOU.
    THEY go to Hawaii for a 30 day vacation (or, as they call it, a "fact-findng mission". Start looking at OTHER companies that need their supervision. Rinse and repeat, baby.
    And they are only just getting started..
    Keep cheering.

  8. Required? Well, sounds like quota's to me and that's a no no!

  9. Ummm ... What happen to qualifications?

  10. even if they're stupid...not good. should be merit based.

  11. Law says it must be a Black woman, in a wheelchair in order to cover several minorities and disabilities.


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