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Friday, October 12, 2018

Why Dogs Wag Their Tails and What Tail Wagging Means

A wagging tail is a form of dog communication. Dogs wag their tails to tell us something about how they're feeling, just as they do with other forms of body language. But do you know what canine tail wagging really means?

Why Dogs Wag Their Tails

Dogs wag their tail to communicate with humans and other animals. Often, it seems fairly obvious what the dog is trying to tell you when he wags his tail. Most people look at a dog with a wagging tail and assume he is happy. While this is usually true, there are times when a dog wags his tail right before he becomes aggressive. It is important that you pay attention to how the dog is holding his tail when he's wagging it. Where the tail is and the way a dog holds his body while he's wagging it can give you a clue about what he is trying to communicate. You should also pay attention to other signs in the dog's body language.

Happy Tail Wagging

Is the dog's tail relaxed and moving back and forth? Is his body moving along with the wagging? If a dog is wagging his tail and the rest of his body seems relaxed or is moving along with the wagging, you are probably dealing with a happy, comfortable dog. Happy, relaxed tail wagging is usually accompanied by a happy facial expression. A happy dog usually has bright eyes, a relaxed open mouth, and possibly a gentle pant. Fast tail wagging with other happy signals usually means the dog is excited.

Other Reasons for Tail Wagging

1 comment:

  1. When politicians wag their tails, what does it mean?


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