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Tuesday, October 09, 2018

What's Your Platform?


  1. Don't forget the Democrat Platform includes - lie to anyone who listens by claiming Republicans are racists Islamaphobes (sp.).

  2. Yes, that pretty much says it all.
    As for those Dems intent on impeaching both Trump and Kavanaugh, it's all hot air, led by those who specialize in the practice of blowing lots of it on a regular basis. Anything to keep the Dem masses excited will do. What's more likely to occur is the death of the Democratic Party as we know it. But that may have already happened, and what we see today is a shadow of what the Party once was and stood for.

  3. Democrats also hiding their anarchist / overthrow agenda.

  4. They've already shown (in spades) their colors by their alignment with the Soros gang and the NWO. What they're engaging in now and since way before Trump's election (think Obama) are the very things that they wish to erase from history books so that no one is the wiser and will be better sheep, creating a whole new generation of docile, government owned sheep.

  5. Democrats are also the party of illiterates. Nancy P's famous we wont know what's in the ACA until we pass it. Jim Matthias I didn't know 7 years ago when we passed the last minute budget bill that stripping retirees of their prescription benefits in 2018 was in it. I didn't read it.


  6. Let's not forget Democrats single minded litmus test. Do you believe in aborting babies right up until the delivery date? If not, you're not the warm humanist we want. Hypocrites all.


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