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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Washington & Lee wets the bed -- makes deal with anti-history devil

Washington & Lee University has — officially — wet the bed.

Tilting at snowflake machines, the once proud and serious university has decided to cash out its winnings from history in a hopeless effort to pay off the self-appointed history Gestapo now clanging at the gates with torches and pitchforks.

Just ahead of the fiery mob, university officials will take down portraits, lock museum doors and rename buildings on campus in order to protect their precious young adolescents from being exposed to some of the harsher realities of American history — as well as the founding of the university itself.

A slippery slope, indeed.

What will you surrender the next time they come in a hot fever?



  1. If those Libtards don't like General Lee and the Confederacy then they need to go to another country.

    Lee was a Gentleman and a Scholar, unlike Obama and Ben Jealous.

    WTH are you weak a$$ white people going to reach down and find your nads and tell these Socialists they are in the wrong country.

  2. Wait till Michele Gregory, Jamaad Gould and Josh Hastings get on the County Council. With Ernie Davis that General Winder plaque is History!


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