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Saturday, October 06, 2018

WALSH: The FBI Must Now Investigate Christine Ford. Here's Why.

The FBI has completed its investigation into Brett Kavanaugh and it looks as if the wrongfully accused judge may be on his way to a Senate confirmation. Hopefully, for him and his family, the nightmare will soon be over.

Of course, Democrats are unsatisfied with the FBI's findings because the FBI found nothing. They want another investigation. On that point, I actually agree with them. Once Kavanaugh is officially confirmed, perhaps there should be another investigation — an investigation into Christine Ford, her attorneys, and Senate Democrats. There is plenty of smoke to indicate that this was all a highly-coordinated political hit job. If it was — indeed, if there was any coordination at all, in any form — then this would be one of the great scandals in American political history.

Let's review the evidence that potentially points toward something sinister:

1) Leland Keyser, the (former, I'm assuming) friend of Christine Ford who denied ever attending the party she described or even knowing Brett Kavanaugh at all, nowreports that she was pressured to change, or "revisit," her testimony. Who allegedly did the pressuring? None other than Monica McLean, the retired FBI agent and friend of Ford who, according to Ford's ex-boyfriend, had been coached by Ford on how to pass a lie detector test. When the ex-boyfriend initially told that story, it was assumed that McLean was just a random friend. Now we find out that she has been deeply involved this whole time.

2) Christine Ford has refused to turn over her therapy notes or any of the documentation from her polygraph test. If she is telling the truth, these materials would be enormously important evidence in her favor. If she is not telling the truth, these materials might destroy her case and, at a minimum, open her up to perjury charges. The fact that she will not turn over the evidence seems to indicate that it falls into the latter category, not the former.



  1. Of course she should be investigated. She a democrat which means she lies constantly but we shouldn't stand for what this lying garbage tried to do to an innocent man. She's not only a liar but she's a miserable waste of air who is very unhappy with her own life so thought it would be cute to try and bring someone down to her filthy worthless level. She's a typical democrat. Miserable liars who have not ever and will not ever contribute anything positive to society.

    1. Amen....agreed. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

  2. I bet she could do some damage to the Dems if she rolled over on them.


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