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Friday, October 05, 2018

Wall Street Journal on Brett Kavanaugh: 'We're All Deplorables Now'

The Wall Street Journal has published a lead editorial Wednesday evening in which it argues the Democrats’ effort to destroy Brett Kavanaugh has reminded anti-Trump conservatives that the left hates them even more than it hates the president.

The Journal further argues that the left has unified Republicans — a seemingly impossible task, given internal divisions over Trump — by reminding them that Democrats’ hatred is not about Trump, but about the raw desire for power at any cost.

As such, the Journal editorial board — which once derided the Tea Party as “Hobbits” — writes, “We’re All Deplorables Now“:

Judge Kavanaugh would have been on any Republican’s short list for the Supreme Court. …

Mr. Trump’s nomination of Mr. Kavanaugh is a credit to the process he established to win the election and govern with conservative support. He sought the help of legal elites on the right, led by the Federalist Society, who compiled an impressive list of potential nominees. This isn’t a rogue judicial operation to choose presidential cronies. It is the gold standard for legal talent that believes in the original meaning of the Constitution. It’s hard to see how any GOP President would have done better, and others have done much worse.


1 comment:

  1. The progressive left known in the USA as democrats is the NWO.(rinos too) Its out. They are at war with this nation, its Godly values, freedoms,and constitution. They wish to impose a Global world government via UN and democrats. We are the last holdout to Global totalitarianism so We must resist vote republican


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