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Sunday, October 07, 2018

U.S. Is Top Target as ISIS Terror Plots Soar

The United States has emerged as the terror group ISIS's top target, with 30 percent of the group's recent plots centering on America, including 33 terror attempts in just the first part of 2018, according to a new congressional report.

ISIS-backed terrorists have attempted to launch at least 73 attacks on the American homeland since 2017, according to a comprehensive report released Friday by the House Homeland Security Committee.

ISIS continues to be the preeminent terror faction across the globe and is linked to 142 plots, including arrest and attacks targeting Westerners over the past two years, according to the report. ISIS has been tied to a total of 243 terror plots since 2014, or about "five terrorist incidents per month" according to the report.

There is no sign ISIS terror plots are on the decline, according to the report, which found a 63 percent increase in ISIS terrorism during the past two years.

The plots include those organized by at least 22 teenagers, as well as refugees and asylum seekers, a statistic that could provide the Trump administration further ammunition as it seeks to limit the number of refugees permitted into America from Middle East hotspots.



  1. Puullleeeees

    ISIS is CIA.

    Wake up folks

    1. Wow..."ISIS is CIA"...someone forgot to refill their prescription.

  2. This is great news. I look forward to them coming down my driveway.


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