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Thursday, October 11, 2018

UC Davis Student Spent $12,000 Defending Himself Against False Sexual Misconduct Allegation

A UC Davis student spent $12,000 on legal fees defending himself against a false allegation in early 2018.

A new report from Reason.com details the unfortunate story of a UC Davis student who spent months earlier this year believing that he was set to join the ranks of Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey and the other abusers that were exposed as part of the ongoing #MeToo movement.

The problem is that the male student, pseudonymously referred to as James, was not guilty of any kind of assault or misconduct. His accuser, referred to as Becky, allegedly decided that she did not enjoy their hookup encounter several days after it had occurred.


1 comment:

  1. This is not the least bit surprising. Men need to be very careful in their interactions with females. As a woman, I am so grateful that things were not like this when I was in college years ago. Yes, both men and women did stupid things then, but we acknowledged that we were equally responsible for our behavior.


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