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Thursday, October 04, 2018

Trump Warns It's A "Very Scary Time" In America... For Men

Following his outspoken remarks on the Kavanaugh allegations and the confirmation process yesterday, President Trump stopped briefly to talk to reporters on the South Lawn before leaving the White House today.

"It’s a very scary situation when you’re guilty until proven innocent,” the president told reporters as he departed the White House on Tuesday.

“It’s a very scary time for young men in America when you can be guilty of something you may not be guilty of. This is a very difficult time.”

Pres. Trump: "It's a very scary time for young men in America, when you can be guilty of something that you may not be guilty of." https://abcn.ws/2NXAjC1 


1 comment:

  1. This happens all the time right here in Wicomico County ...

    Peace Orders and Domestic Abuse orders are handed out like candy against men , often by woman who are addicted to Prescription Opiates

    a number of men are innocent, just guilty of being involved with a BI POLAR Woman..

    The expense to prove innocence is demoralizing...

    GULTY UNTIL YOU PROVE INNOCENCE is very common in our local courts as noted...

    To make matters worse,
    you have these water boy>>> bench warmer>>Sherrifs Department threatening the same men noted in my report


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