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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Trump Is A Hero


  1. kudos!! Great Comments.

  2. AMEN! Exactly how I feel.

  3. Trump Making America Great Again. Thank you Mr President.

  4. He is doing an amazing job! Since he and his administration is in the middle of doing a major restructuring of the Federal Government, which ultimately is making it more responsive and accountable to the American people, and not the lobbyists and special interests, he is despised. He does not kowtow to the media, foreign countries or leaders. He speaks from his heart and for the majority of the hard working, patriotic citizens of our Country. In modern history, we have never had a President as vocal in his commitment to putting our Country first. I am proud of him and proud to wear a Trump 2020 hat, because I believe President Trump is absolutely sincere and loves our Country with all his heart!

    A side note: The news regarding all of these failed bomb attempts "stink to high heaven". Based on my observation of the Democrats' behavior, through out history (including the Civil War), I would not put it past them being involved in some way or another.

  5. The right man at the right time. Of the 16 other Rebublican candidates for president in the 2016 election, how many do you think would have been able to withstand the onslaught that he has because Hillary lost?

    Toughest man alive.


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