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Monday, October 15, 2018

Trump hits message of Democrats as “angry mob” at Kentucky rally

“You can vote for Democrat mob rule or you an vote for a Republican party that stands proudly for law and order, fairness, freedom and justice.”

President Trump hit Democrats as an “angry mob” while heaping praise on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell while at a rally Saturday night in McConnell’s home state of Kentucky. Mr. Trump’s rally is in support of Republican Rep. Andy Barr, who is facing a tough re-election battle against Democrat Amy McGrath. 
Mr. Trump categorized voting in the midterm elections as “you can vote for Democrat mob rule or you an vote for a Republican party that stands proudly for law and order, fairness, freedom and justice.”
In the last few weeks of the 2018 midterm campaign, Mr. Trump and Republicans have seized on describing Democrats as the party of an “angry mob.” Mr. Trump used similar language in rallies earlier this week.
Mr. Trump described McConnell as “staring down an angry left-wing mob” during the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. McConnell, Mr. Trump said, “never blinked, never looked back and got us a man who will be one of our great, great Supreme Court justices.”


  1. Are any of you smart enough to see where this is going?His successor will be overwhelmed.

  2. Mob - : a large and disorderly crowd of people
    especially one bent on riotous or destructive action.

    If the shoe fits...


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