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Monday, October 22, 2018

Tomahawk Warren's Native American Heritage Claim Got Scalped...And Liberal America Doesn't Know What To Do

Tomahawk Liz is not a Cherokee. It’s only something that everyone who wasn’t a blind and stupid liberal had known for years. She’s just a white woman appropriating Native American culture for personal gain. She took a DNA test, which showed that she’s a whopping 1/1024th Native American. In other words, she’s not an American Indian, despite her shoddy family story about high cheekbones. She’s a fake who peddled a racial hoax, something that’s been hanging around her neck since 2012.

Fordham pushed that Warren was the institution’s first woman of color. Harvard also said Warren was a Native American. This is indefensible, but the liberal media decided to take the 1/1024th fraction as full-blown proof that Warren was telling the truth and not peddling a racial hoax, which is what it looks like. The Media Research Center’s NewsBusters wing had a field day, noting how major networks, contributors, and guests across the liberal media spectrum did their best to defend a white person of cultural appropriation.


1 comment:

  1. If Donald Trump claimed to be someone, and the press found out he wasn't, it would make headlines around the globe.
    But, when the favorite Dem's are found out, ....crickets.
    The double standards are deafening.


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