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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The snowflake culture is killing our kids

Did you know "jazz hands" are slowly replacing clapping? No, really: Clapping as been banned at a leading university in the U.K. "to avoid triggering anxiety" for students.

Lest you think this practice doesn't exist in the U.S., I can personally vouch that it does. When I spoke at Bard College in New York last year, the students there did this exact thing with their hands whenever one of their classmates would challenge me and they wanted to show their support. I couldn't figure out what was going on until about halfway through the talk when I just flat-out asked the students,"What on Earth are you all doing?" (I had kind of figured it out by then, but I wanted to hear them explain it.)

Ironically, just after reading the U.K. article I got text from a friend who said our local high school is doing away with class rank, valedictorian, and salutatorian. The message? It's just too stressful for kids to lose. They can't cope.

This attempt to shield young people from anything uncomfortable is pure madness. We are setting kids up for a lifetime of pain.

The ability to cope with the myriad of changes and challenges that will occur throughout their lives, and the ability to form lasting bonds with people despite the inevitable conflict it brings, is crucial. Who's modeling for kids how to cope with setbacks and adversity? Who's educating them on strategies for how to make their way in the world?

No one. That's who.

More here


  1. These loser know-it-all's (at 19 years old) are softer than water, quick to tears, easily offended, and spoiled.
    The future of our country will be in their hands in 20 years.

    God help the USA.

    Our only hope? Revolution.

  2. YEP IN englishstan.

  3. Imclain,
    I think that the best that we can do is to keep upsetting them to the breaking point. They will either toughen up or explode! It pleases me to see that there are still some young folks who are willing to serve their country, help old ladies cross the street and pay their way through life. But, unfortunately, this too is going away. I was having a conversation the other day with a buddy at the golf course and I said that what we are seeing happening today with the thin-skinned, weak-backboned, and easily upset youth is a direct reflection of what is now several generations of an easy life. These people know no real suffering like just making ends meet. When a society gets to the point where basic needs plus some wants are taken care of, certain elements of that society begin to focus their attention on things that are not really of any importance. They make these things (insert issue du jour here) and create hysteria over it. Like that clown in Toronto the other day kicking the phone out of the woman's hand, he has no concept of what survival is about. Same goes for the Pooty-Tat Hat wearers.

    Just my two cents. Sorry to be so long-winded.

  4. I wish Mr.Long-winded has a grandchild who is autistic who he dearly loves. SOOOO many ways to look at things but if you have not lived it you don't have a clue. BTW....I don't wish an Autistic child on anyone.


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