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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Suspicious packages addressed to former Vice President Joe Biden, Robert De Niro

Former Vice President Joe Biden and actor Robert De Niro were the targets of suspicious packages discovered Thursday, officials said, one day after several similar parcels were sent to the homes and businesses of various Democratic politicos on Wednesday.

The FBI, New Castle County, Del., police and postal inspectors were investigating the package addressed to Biden, law enforcement officials told Fox News, stressing the suspicious package investigation was the bureau's highest priority. The FBI Lab at Quantico is now also engaged, beginning forensic analysis of some of the packages addressed to former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, liberal billionaire George Soros, former Attorney General Eric Holder, former CIA Director John Brennan and California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters.

The suspicious package addressed to De Niro was discovered in the mailroom of his production company, TriBeca Productions, a law enforcement source told Fox News. Security at the Tribeca Film Center called police because the package looked similar to the ones seen Wednesday, the law enforcement source.



  1. These bomb makers need to get their act together and make good ones that will go off. So disappointing.

  2. As usual, democrats overplaying their hand. One or two "bombs" might have seemed somewhat credible. To send a large number of these phony "bombs" to all the high profile but irrelevant democrats is a desperate and foolish political play by the democrats themselves. They want the public to see them as victims instead of the lying, vicious and conniving garbage they are.
    Vote straight Republican. This goes locally too. Slap them all back down into the cess pool where they all belong.

  3. 9:11 That would be the absolute worst thing that could happen. Creating a martyr on the other side would only get more liberals voting. I still think that this is NOT a right-winger neo-Nazi doing this, but a very calculating left-winger that is trying to throw a smoke screen.
    I assume post offices have video surveillance so we should know very shortly who mailed them. You can bet every FBI agent has this on the very top of their desks.

  4. Dem dirty tricks. After Kavenaugh hearing, nothing is beneath them. Notice how they are all "potential bombs," or bomb materials. These things have been opened and not gone off. Appear to be harmless and only being sent for the media attention. Really, really sounds like more of the Democrats dirty tricks, this time to influence the midterms, that they are desperately in fear of losing. We saw what they did when they were desperate to keep a Republican president's nominee off of the Supreme Court, so this (harmless "bombs" being sent to Dem leaders) doesn't surprise me if the Dems are behind it. Socialism is the new cause of the Democrats. The only way socialism has ever been fostered on people is through violence. They are following the rule book for imposing Socialism on a people, against their will. Freedom be damned. Nothing less than the overthrow of our constitution will satisfy them. 1st amendment, gone. 2nd amendment, gone. Electoral College, gone. Due process, gone. GET OUT AND VOTE! The American way of life is at stake, and after the Kavanaugh hearings, you better start believing it. Democrats will stop at nothing to impose Socialism on us.

  5. Ditto to all the above. It can't be a conservative doing this because they would know the targets aren't worth the effort or expense of materials. Don't have to blow them up, they are already rotten to the core.

  6. All these I believe are fake bomb sights I believe all were only found to try to generate sympathy for the Dems. It will probably turn out to be put in those places by members of their own party, if they were real and meant for harm likely at least one would have gone off.

  7. Amen 12:07! They aren't worth jail time!

  8. Rosie O'Donnell received one too, but she had already swallowed it before investigators could examine it...

  9. Real degenerate terrorists from 9-11 to Timothy McVeigh to Boston Marathon bombers were serious about harming and killing.

    How serious are these democrat targeted bomb planters?

    Mr Bob

  10. Dems trying to draw attention off of the caravan. That backfired on them also.


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