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Saturday, October 06, 2018

SU sophomore survives reported assault

Salisbury University Police are still searching for two suspects involved in an east campus assault Friday.

Sophomore Steven Cook said he was enjoying the start of the weekend when things took an unexpected turn, resulting in a bloody trip to the hospital and nine stitches.

Authorities responded to a call after a witness reported a fight broke out, which caused the subject to be taken to Peninsula Regional Medical Center on Sept. 29 at approximately 1:30 a.m.

The two suspects were described by witnesses as African-American men, approximately 19-22 years old. One had long dreadlocks and the other suspect had a buzz cut.

The suspects were driving a four-door, dark sedan when they fled the scene.

The suspects are still at large.

Cook said his weekend kicked off with a party at his University Park apartment. When the sophomore noticed a security guard parked outside his apartment, he went to check it out.

Once Cook approached the vehicle, he said he noticed the guard was speaking with a female student crying. Cook said he offered to help.

“I told him I got her and I’ll get her back safety,” Cook said.



  1. just democrats acting like democrats...
    nothing to see here.
    move along

  2. The university police look the other way if the perpetrators are black, this has been an issue for many years, this kid stopped a rape but paid a big price

  3. Did "Delmarva's News Leader" cover that? Must have missed it.

  4. Nobody got cellphone pix? How unusual!

  5. I am confused as to why this woman would just go off with a man she doesn't know.

  6. May be a bit difficult to take pictures with a cell phone while you are being physically assaulted. Not unusual.

  7. Go figure - assailents are black attemting to force their agenda

  8. I'm with 10:43. Something smells fishy.

  9. if the situation looks shady by all means get your camera phone out. If the so called humans are legit it won't be a problem to erase the pics later.
    thought su was supposed to educated these kids?

  10. I didn't see this on the news. Important to note, B/M#1 was trying to intimidate the intoxicated woman into leaving with them. The Student prevented her sexual assault/rape. We see this behavior from the rap culture and unfortunately it's not just limited to the college crowd, it's in our schools too. See it daily but its racist to correct the behavior so it becomes the norm and your kids suffer the abuse of ignorant behavior.

  11. Students deserve to feel safe on campus at the very minimum

  12. I would like to know more, like the police side of the story, it's too vague on facts to pass the smell test. 'j'

  13. There are plenty of Armed fathers paying good money to send their kids their and probably more that willing to police the campus as only fathers would.


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