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Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Some anti-Kavanaugh protesters were paid, journalist reveals

A journalist embedded with anti-Kavanaugh protesters says that some protesters were in fact paid, as President Trump has alleged.

“A lot of them were normal people who were mad,” said Vice D.C. bureau chief Shawna Thomas on ABC’s “This Week,” adding, “We also saw people who were organized.”

She pointed to activists who confronted Sen. Jeff Flake, Arizona Republican, in an elevator late last month before the Senate Judiciary Committee voted on the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, who has since been confirmed.

“That moment with Jeff Flake on the Hill,” Ms. Thomas said. “We talked to one woman who works for UltraViolet who was paid — she helped steer people in the right ways to be able to confront senators.”

“There were people who were paid by organizations like UltraViolet to try to harness that energy in a way that would make the viral moments that we ended up seeing,” said Ms. Thomas.

More here


  1. so shouldn't these soros groups be made to account for just exactly who they are giving these funds to? how they are dispensed and verified as to who received them?

  2. If they were paid do they claim it on their taxes as earned income?

  3. They all had video and still shots taken of them and were added to the FBI's facial recognition database. The government knows who they are.

  4. Soro's is a convicted Felon, how is he allowed into the USA? Ban Soros and family from the US along with confiscate / seize all their assets in the US. This would eliminate the organizations they are funding. That would also be a gigantic step in eliminating the "shadow government" Soros, Obama, Clintons, and the Democrats are pushing. The US did it with Madoff so why not be an equal opportunity prosecutor and get rid of Soros and that bunch? These hollering activist people are nothing more then George Soros affiliated sites: Open Source, MoveOn.org, OpenDemocracy.net, Smash Racism DC, The Center for Popular Democracy and others are all paid protesters and at $15.00 per hour tax free maybe will go and protest against them. Paid Protesters on Speed Dial.

  5. Too bad all this energy can't be bottled up and put to better use!!!!


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