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Thursday, October 04, 2018

Shocker: Dianne Feinstein does not want the FBI report released

Uh-oh! It looks as though DiFi (or as Clarice Feldman calls her, ChiFi) has an inkling that that traps may be springing and witnesses singing in ways that will not help the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee and beyond. Yesterday, she said of the forthcoming FBI report demanded by Judiciary Committee Dems plus Flake, "It would seem to me that if people are going to be identified, this ought to be held very close."

Wait! I thought the American people had a right to know!

For reasons known to himself but not me, Mitch McConnell agrees:

McConnell confirmed on Tuesday afternoon that the report will only be seen by senators and will not be made publicly available.

Is Mitch planning to use it for leverage, threatening to expose bad behavior by Judiciary Committee Dems? Or the witness Blasey Ford? Or her well connected lawyers?



  1. Ha ha, deep states going DOWN!

  2. what's she hiding??? release everything now.

  3. FBI Protocol calls for background check results to be kept confidential.and not made public out of the privacy for the person being investigated,
    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared Tuesday that the report would be kept confidential to senators’ eyes only, as is practice,
    Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley concurred by saying “I’ve been reading FBI reports for 38 years,” “I don’t know that one’s ever been made public.”
    California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, seemed uncomfortable with the idea of reading the report into the record. “Well, I have to find out what the status of it is,” she said. “If it’s confidential, then no.”

    American Thinker says Wait! I thought the American people had a right to know! For reasons known to himself but not me, Mitch McConnell agrees"

    I say to the American Thinker me - :"Why not watch (or read) FOX News for the answer to your questions.BEFORE writing a column. "Me'" is so poorly informed by his sources (much like Feinstein not knowing) the Protocol of FBI reports Even I knew me was misinforming folks by not investigating to get at the truth.

  4. Why? Because it might tend to incriminate her? Afraid we might find out the truth? All of this has been in the public eye, so we deserve to know what is in it.


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