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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Red Wave Rising: Over 12,000 Voters Change Party Affiliation in Wyoming – 90% to Republican

As we reported on Thursday early ballots show a huge increase in voting in favor of Republicans. It looks like our prediction is holding up!

On June 23, 2018, we reported that the 2018 Mid-terms would be a referendum on government corruption and because of this President Trump and the Republicans would win big. This was before Democrats made up trumped up charges against a good man – Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

After the Kavanaugh hearings, where Judge Kavanaugh was wrongfully accused by the Democrats of being a gang rapist, the tide changed. We made our prediction on the election and stated that a huge red wave was coming. Our mid-term prediction on October 2nd was that the Republicans would win big in the Senate and would keep the House.

Now there are some signs that the tide is turning red! Early balloting shows that Democrats are a little less than their 2016 early returns which is expected. The bigger news is that Republicans are ahead of their 2016 early ballot pace!



  1. There was a celebrity or left-wing news source or a politician that encouraged the liberal loonies to register as republican so they could try to screw with the outcomes of primaries.

  2. Don't be lulled into any sense of security this election. Get out there and vote!


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