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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Rand Paul Worries ‘Someone is Going to Be Killed’ In Current Political Climate

‘Those who are ratcheting up the conversation… they have to realize that they bear some responsibility if this elevates to violence’

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is worried that the current political climate could get someone killed.

Speaking with Kentucky radio host Leland Conway Tuesday, Paul urged his fellow lawmakers to be mindful of their rhetoric amid escalating tensions between the parties.

The senator expressed concern that the division could lead to an “assassination” following the highly-charged fight over the Supreme Court and Brett Kavanaugh.



  1. Many people have already been killed , Hillary as seen to that .

  2. Collateral damage. No loss to the leaders.

  3. Hillary is now saying there won't be civility until Dems win back the House and Senate. There won't be civility then either. We cannot allow the liberal progressives to take over again and destroy our Constitution and free republic.

  4. Thank the Liberal Socialist Democrats for this going forward. Will this not fall under civil liability and aiding in the commission of a crime by Clinton / Soros / Democrats and these left wing group leaders. Need to lock all of them up. Another challenge for the Republicans.

  5. Thomas Jefferson himself said we will HAVE to kill politicians because sooner or later, they will become dictators and despots.
    I submit the time is approaching quickly and it will be a good thing.
    These lying, cheating, alcoholic, tax dodging, insider trading, backroom dealing, low-life, stealing, power crazy, anti-American pedophiles NEED hanging.
    On TV.
    Make their families watch and remind them of THEIR future if they EVER think of "being like dad".
    Take up farming.
    Buy MORE guns. Infrared scopes and devices. Gas masks. LOTS of ammo.
    "We, the people" are just about fed up with the circus and greed these losers bring us.
    Jefferson would have already killed dozens of these punks and we would already be deep in the Second American Revolution.
    Cheer on.


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