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Thursday, October 18, 2018

'Pull over NOW': Mom filmed whipping teen son with belt after he took her new BMW

Liza Campero's 14-year-old brother will at least have to go the rest of the year without his cell phone, PlayStation 4 and the door on his bedroom.

But the high school freshman from El Paso, Texas, rides into his punishment on a wave of social media attention after he went joyriding in his mother's new BMW last week.

In a series of now viral tweets, Campero filmed her furious mother as she intercepted the boy on the road like a hawk and whipped him with a belt near oncoming traffic.

The boy planned to sneak out with the car to see his girlfriend. But it appears he underestimated his mother's innate tracking ability.

"[My brother] was embarrassed at first," she said. "But he went back to school yesterday, and everybody tells him he's like a legend."



  1. Good for her. I applaud her doing this.
    Fear The Belt!

  2. Yeah, a fifteen minute legend.


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