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Monday, October 15, 2018

President Trump freed me from prison – I’m glad he wants to give other nonviolent offenders their freedom

On June 6, I walked out of prison as a free woman after serving almost 22 years of my life sentence on a first-time nonviolent drug conviction, thanks to a decision by President Trump to commute my sentence to time served. I was thrilled to hear the president say this week that he is looking to give early release to additional nonviolent prisoners like me.

"Alice Johnson is such a great person, such a great case,” President Trump told reporters Tuesday. “I'd like to find a lot of people like Alice Johnson. And there are a lot of people that are in a situation like that. And we are actively looking for those situations."

And President Trump added, still talking about me: “I've been watching her a lot and what a great spokesman she is for that situation. And that's covering a lot of people. There are a lot of people like that, that will unfortunately be locked up for many, many years, and there's no reason for it."

I want to thank President Trump for those kind words, for freeing me from prison, and now for considering freeing many others like me.

The day I was released from prison was the greatest day of my life – and hearing the president say he wants to free additional nonviolent prisoners was another great day.

My release was a miracle that gave me a chance to start life over again. I would love to see other deserving prisoners experience the same miracle.

Many other nonviolent offenders in federal prisons today are – like me – no danger to society, and I look forward to having President Trump and members of his administration examine their cases.

I can never thank the president enough. He heard my voice, gave life to my hope and promise to my future. I am a 63-year-old grandmother who just wants to live in peace and enjoy my family. There is zero chance I will ever break the law again.



  1. Wonder how many attempts were made on Obama, my guess is that it would make interesting reading..........js

  2. 1025, funny. Obama did plenty on this issue, even though this particular offender was not released. You guys complained then that he just wanted to thug vote. Now its a good thing. Have you looked up the definition of hypocrisy lately?


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